

How are scholarships managed?2019-08-29T11:00:21-04:00

Educaid scholarships are paid directly to the administration of the sponsored student’s school, which agrees to:

  • have the acceptance letter signed by the recipient of the scholarship upon its receipt, and forward a copy to Educaid as quickly as possible by way of fax or regular mail;
  • manage all purchases made with the scholarship money;
  • inform the parents in writing of the purchases made for their child;
  • spend the scholarships during the year in which they were granted;
  • submit a report of all expenses (with receipts) to Educaid on the last business day in May.
What are the authorized and unauthorized expenses for using a perseverance scholarship?2021-01-21T12:00:59-05:00

Your donations are granted as scholarships and are managed by the school team and Educaid. This approach ensures an efficient control and personalized use of the sums granted. Scholarships help meet various needs, which generates an additional motivation to persevere:

  • School Supplies
  • Clothing
  • Glasses
  • Computer
  • Extracurricular Activities
  • Field Trips
  • Sports Gear
  • Musical Instruments
  • Etc.

See the “Authorized Expenses” chart for a more complete list.

Which criteria are used for selecting candidates to receive perseverance scholarships?2019-08-21T14:17:23-04:00

Students must:

  • be in Secondary 3 when receiving a first scholarship
  • come from less privileged backgrounds
  • be prone to dropping out of the school system
  • show a strong will to persevere
  • be ready to make the necessary efforts to improve their behaviour, attitude or academic performance
What are the eligibility criteria to submit a student’s candidacy for a perseverance scholarship?2019-08-21T14:19:40-04:00

Students must :

  • be enrolled in a high school supported by Educaid
  • be from a lower-income family
  • be in Secondary 3 when receiving a first scholarship
How to submit a candidacy?2019-08-21T14:21:55-04:00
  • The school receives a confirmation of support from Educaid
  • The school submits candidacies, which must be supported by a member from administration and at least one faculty/staff member
  • A duly completed and signed form must be sent by October 31st at the latest
  • Educaid officially announces the names of the selected candidates and awards scholarships between October and December
  • In the event a selected candidate changes school between the time of nomination and that of the scholarship payment, the school responsible for submitting the candidacy must notify Educaid and ensure the information is forwarded to the new school.
How is the underprivileged environment in a school determined?2019-08-21T14:32:19-04:00

The data related to the underprivileged environment in a school is calculated with two benchmarks: the poverty index and the socio-economic index.

Poverty index

The poverty index corresponds to the proportion of families (with children) whose income is lower than the poverty threshold. This threshold is defined as the level of income according to which it is estimated that families use, in proportion with their income, 20% more than average for food, housing and clothes.

Socio-economic environment index

The socio-economic environment index corresponds to the proportion of families with children where the mother does not have a diploma, certificate or degree (two thirds of the index) and the proportion of households where parents were unemployed during the reference week of the Canadian census (one third of the index).

How are high schools selected by Educaid (to receive perseverance scholarships)?2019-08-29T11:01:53-04:00
  • Priority is given to schools that rank 8, 9 or 10 according to the poverty index issued by the Quebec Education Ministry (Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur).
  • Supported schools and students vary in number from year to year, depending on Educaid’s funding.
  • Educaid strives to distribute scholarships as best as possible among all of Quebec’s regions, according to the most pressing needs and in proportion to the population.
  • As part of our Persevera program, schools which are not ranked 8, 9 or 10 may be selected, provided students from disadvantaged backgrounds are selected to receive the scholarships.
  • Educaid directly contacts the schools selected to inform them of the number of scholarships that will be awarded within their institution for a given school year.
  • Schools do not have to submit their candidacy to be selected. However, we invite schools which do not know Educaid’s programs and which would be interested to receive support for their students to call us at 418 651-8990 or write to educaide@educaide.ca.
How are the perseverance scholarships awarded?2019-08-21T15:02:13-04:00

Once a candidacy is accepted, scholarships are awarded as follows:

  • The scholarship and perseverance diploma are sent to the school’s administration
  • A scholarship awarding is organized for the sponsored students within the school*
  • The school’s administration manages the $500 scholarships with the sponsored student
  • An annual report of the sponsored students’ expenses is forwarded to Educaid before the end of the school year
  • An annual follow-up report of the sponsored students is forwarded to Educaid by the school’s administration
  • Scholarships are renewed depending on the sponsored students’ progress
  • Sponsored students are chaperoned until they obtain their first diploma.

*In some cases, Educaid is unable to send one of its representatives to award the scholarships. For example, this might happen if the school is located in a remote area.

What are the possible grounds for refusing to award scholarships?2019-08-29T11:03:22-04:00
  • The application form was not completed correctly or was not submitted within the prescribed time frame.
  • The student does not meet the eligibility or selection criteria.
  • Educaid suspects that the scholarship will be used for a school project rather than to help a student.
  • Educaid receives too many candidacies.
  • Absent or weak line of argument to justify the correlation between the anticipated purchases and academic perseverance.
Are perseverance scholarships renewed automatically?2019-08-21T15:09:09-04:00

No. Students must demonstrate the will to succeed and the school team must prove sponsored students deserve their scholarship be renewed. Perseverance scholarships are renewed until a first diploma is obtained, provided sponsored students pursue their education and meet the eligibility criteria.

What are your operating expenses?2019-08-29T10:57:48-04:00

We strive for sound financial management to minimize our administrative costs, which vary from year to year.

For the Persevera program, administrative fees are set at 9% and include: fund management, scholarship management, organization of award ceremonies, sponsorship visibility, and complete annual follow-ups of the sponsored students’ progress.

We invite you to consult our latest financial statements for a general overview of our financial situation:

2018 Financial Statements

2017 Financial Statements

2016 Financial Statements

Which risk factors can influence dropout rates?2019-08-21T13:31:17-04:00

Dropping out of school can be the result of various risk factors that range from birth to adulthood. Some of the main factors are:

  • Parents’ educational level
  • Family socio-economic status
  • Child’s health and well-being
  • Parental encouragement and the perception of education within the household
  • Family unity
  • Bullying
  • Student’s school success and academic performance
  • Necessity to have a job
  • Professional, academic and personal aspirations
What is the graduation rate of Educaid’s sponsored students?2019-08-21T13:30:06-04:00

It changes every year, but the average graduation rate of Educaid’s sponsored students over the last 5 years is 89%.

Graduation rate in less privileged backgrounds: 70.3% (2017 report from Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur)

What is the relationship between Educaid and Kaleido?2020-05-12T14:03:18-04:00

Educaid was founded in 2002 by two of Kaleido’s senior executives, but is an independent charitable organization and operates at arm’s length.

Educaid is funded solely by donations from private individuals, corporations, private foundations or from any other organization.

Universitas, for its part, chose academic perseverance and Educaid as an official social cause in 2009, and is the founding partner of the organization.

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